(AI)2, Inc.

The Train-To-Code Training and Research System

    What is Train-to-Code? Watch a brief introduction:

    Train-To-Code was designed to apply artificially intelligent and adaptive expert-systems strategies to accomplish nearly errorless-training of research-level direct observation and coding skills. It can be purchased as a laboratory teaching tool already populated with an array of diverse video samples and relevant coding taxonomies for use in introductory or graduate Descriptive Research Methods courses. It may also be purchased for specific applied-staff training support videos and expert-reference training files for teaching pre-reading scaffolding techniques or Applied Behavior Analysis techniques for teaching clients with special-needs using errorless training procedures.

    Take a tour of the Student/Trainee side of Train-To-Code

    Take a tour of the Administrative Management side of Train-To-Code

We Evaluate our Products. For research evaluating the effectiveness of Train-To-Code for developing and evaluating ongoing research-level coding inter-observer reliability, see Ray & Ray (2008) .

Now! All three versions of Train-To-Code are available for alternative use:

Academic Version - Designed for course adoptions and student-use in Methods or Topical Research Courses. Already populated and primed with expert-systems for training students to reliably code Rat Behaviors involved in Bar Press Shaping through Successive Approximations, Pre-Readng Scaffolding Techniques being used with Pre-School Children during individual reading sessions, Equestrian Hunter-Jumper Showing, Gesture-based communications adapted from American Sign Language, and Erroless Teaching using Applied Behavior Analysis procedures for teaching Communication Skills in the Population with Special-Needs.

ABA Staff-Training Version - Designed for Treatment Center custimized development of training programs for training new or under-performing staff in the use of Applied Behavior Analysis Procedures. Best tool yet for assuring and measuring program integrity in service delivery. Contact us for consulting services in developing and quality assuring your own agency's customized training programs.

Professional Version - Ready for use in Research environments where in-house expertise allows for custom-video and expert coding of special-purpose resources for researcher training in direct and systematic observation skills specific to your own project (or...contact us for production consulting services).

Just Released!